Greeting and Farewell phrases:

Gamarjoba – Greet someone with this phrase at any time of the day in Georgia.

Dila mshvidobisa – Good morning

Saghamo mshvidobisa – Godo evening

Nakhvamdis – Good bye / So long

Kargad brdzandebodet – Good bye

Momaval Shekhvedramde – Until next time

Mshvidobit – Farewell

Gamikharda tkveni gatsnoba – Nice to meet you

Gamikharda sheni/tkveni nakhva – Was nice seeing you

Addressing people:

Batono – Sir

Kalbatono – Ma’am

Gogona – Miss

Kmatsvilo – Young man

Asking How Someone Is:

Rogor brdzandebit? – How are you doing?

Gmadlobt, kargad – Thank you, I’m doing well

Sheudzlod var – I am unwell

Traveling questions:

Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, sad aris metrosadguri/avtobusis gachereba/mikroavtobusis gachereba? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the subway/bus/minibus stop is? 

Sad sheidzleba gavachero taksi? – Where can I hail a cab? 

Sad aris sakalaktashoriso avtosadguri? – Where is the intercity bus station?

Sad aris rkinigzis sadguri? – Where is the railway station? 

Sad vikiraveb skrols? – Where can I rent a Scroll scooter?

Sad aris sabagiro? – Where is the cable car station?

Sad kiravdeba navi?  – Where can I rent a boat?

Phrases to Use at Your Hotel

Gakvt tavisupali nomeri? –  Is there a vacant room in the hotel?

Gakvt sastumroshi restorani/bari/kape? – Does this hotel have a restaurant, bar, or cafe? . 

Aris sastumroshi gasartobi sivrtse? –  Do you have some entertainment options?

Gakvt taksis gamodzakhebis servisi? –  Can you order a taxi for me? 


Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, sad aris uakhloes sasursato maghazia / supermarketi? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the next supermarket is?

Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, sad aris uakhloesi aptiaki? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the next pharmacy is?

Ukatsravad, romel saatamde mushaobt? – Excuse me, can you please tell me your opening hours? 

Ra ghirs? – How much?

Bank/ATM/Currency Exchange

Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, sad aris banki? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the bank is?

Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, aris tu ara ak akhlos bankomati? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the closest ATM is?

Ukatsravad, ver metkvit, sad aris ak savaluto jikhuri? – Excuse me, can you please tell me where the closest currency exchange office is?. 


Gakvt tavisupali magida? – Do you have a free table?

Ukatsravad, sheidzleba skami chaamatot? – Excuse me, can you please add another chair here? 

Dzalian gemrieli kerdzia – Such a delicious dish!